Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel
Inside the Vatican Museums is the Sistine Chapel, a highly-regarded church known for its elaborate and grand decorations. Built from 1473 to 1481, the chapel was named after Pope Sixtus IV, who ordered its construction. The grand chapel was designed by Giovanni of Dolci and has frescoes covering the walls and ceilings. Between 1508 to 1512, Michelangelo painted the ceiling frescoes, including the famous Creation of Adam which depicts the story of Genesis and the creation of man. Another depiction painted in the Sistine Chapel is The Final Judgment, a representation of the second coming of Jesus Christ.
As a suggestion, it’s best to visit the chapel through a combo tour featuring other Vatican sites like the Vatican Museums and Basilica. Avoid visiting the chapel during the first Sunday of the month since this is the time when access is free.